District Cooling: A system in which cold water from a central cold source is distributed through a network of insulated underground pipes to areas requiring cooling for air conditioning. In this network, one unit (investor) provides services to many customers for cooling.
Each year, District Cooling grows 57% in new construction projects. Over the past 4 years, more than 658 million ft² (~61 million m²) of District Cooling space has been added in the US and Middle East alone. Equivalent to the space of 237 Empire State buildings.
1. District Cooling System:
Cold water is generated by chillers located in the central area.
Pumps are used to circulate cold water to surrounding buildings.
Through heat exchangers, cold water is supplied centrally to reduce the temperature of the secondary cold loop (closed loop) in the building.
Cold water returns to the water chiller location for cooling and circulation.
2. Areas where District Cooling is often installed:
Areas with high population density
Construction clusters
Medical Center
Industry zones
3. Full solution for HVAC&R of District Cooling system
Security and fire safety
HVAC&R equipment
The controlling system
Whole house management system
Project management
Provide a full range of services
4. Benefits of District Cooling for suppliers
Competitive products - long-term, stable business
Economic flexibility - using many different fuel sources
Data is available for plant and customer system optimization
The social environment
A dedicated factory maintenance program provides equipment that is tightly sealed against leaks
High efficiency systems reduce CO2 emissions
5. Benefits of the District Cooling system for users
Reliable cooling power source and backup equipment
Reduce noise and vibration
Aesthetically, remove equipment on the roof
Avoid capital costs – chillers, cooling towers, and condensate pumps
Monthly costs can be predicted.
Less HVAC equipment equals more space for business operations.
Reduce/eliminate a number of service specialists
The social environment
Reputation for an environmentally friendly company
Eliminates refrigerant management requirements
Contact us today to receive surveys and advice on the most optimal solutions for your project!